Sunday 6 June 2010


Adaptable architecture_this has been a large inspiration in how I could achieve an adaptable space with a performance. More investigation need done in the construction of the mechanical parts however.


A couple of images on vertical and temporary urban spaces that I have found interesting this week.
After further analysis of the lane and its function in relation to the city and performance I have found that the particular lane that I had selected does not create the correct environment for the audience. With this in mind I have changed the site to Buchanan St where access and audience can be easily utilised to its full potential in my design.

Precedent_Simone de Beauvoir footbridge_Paris

Footbridge by Simone de Beauvoir footbridge in Paris _ I find this particularly inspiring interms of how it connects the access routes and how the two interlocking shapes provide a central sheltered environment. I aim to take these elements into my own design to interlock two lane blocks in the western grid plan area of the city.


Terrain wise the city slopes from west to east and north to south. The greatest slope can be found on Wellington St and this has lead to my site selection.
My design will use the steep gradient of the slope to gain access to the tall vertical spaces and still allow access to service vehicles, therefore not disturbing the main function of the lane.

Two interlocking bridges will allow for a constant circulation flow through the lane, it will also link the performance spaces with the access and lead to a constant movement within the lanes.

Site_1_Interim_ 26.03.10

The west side of the city centre is built up with lanes that (in grid plan) follow the city’s primary routs. The lanes stretch over a series of blocks in the city and my programme of performance spaces aims to link the lane into one uniform creation. A number of different performances could be used for the artist to establish their own identity within the programme.
The suspended bridge would create an "Urban Pier" concept.


Function_Services_Access still required for the primary routes through the city to function normally.

This has lead to the concept of my design being suspended from the existing context within the lane. Access to these vertical performances spaces would be in the form of “clip-on” staircases, a good example of this is the classic New York fire escape.

To take advantage of the tall narrow context inside the lane, the performance would be reflected in the act, e.g. a circus ribbon performance The audience would have multiple suspended seats to make full use of the available space.


Back to uni and out on site visits, spent most of my time this week hanging around in lanes making sketches and taking notes.

From my notes I have noticed that there are “blank spaces” within the lanes that could be utilised to house my design project.


The four day university study trip to Amsterdam was inspirational, despite the terrible weather! I found it particularly interesting to look at the Borneo Sporenburg housing scheme by the canal front as it was an important precedent for my previous urban housing project.

The caravan style boats on the canal front caught my eye, the individual styles expressed on each boat, but their common dimensions give the scheme a regularity.


Site choice - Lanes within an urban context, the design will need to fit into the characteristics of the lane and be reflective of the performance act.

Scale and Relationship between performer and audience, the site choice of a narrow lane will result in a small intimate performance building

Programme of small scale buildings within a larger stretch of lane - connecting the performance spaces together.