Tuesday 9 March 2010


My main aim of the act is to see if there is a demand for regenerating lost spaces in the city centre with the help of performance - To Play.

This act will help me to examine people’s views on performance and whether people will be willing to explore disused spaces if they are regenerated into a functioning space.

The act itself will take place in 3 stages..

1. The stage and audience seating area set up and the performer ready to act. No gimmicks or gadgets will be used at this stage to see if the performance stage and comedy act alone will attract an audience.

2. Set up the red carpet and curtain to hide the act and create some mystery around the installation/performance. It is hoped that at this stage people’s interest alone will be enough to form a queue along the red carpet.

3. Handing out tickets for the performance on Buchanan street. If the previous stages have been unsuccessful then it is hoped that by engaging directly with members of the public they will be more willing to explore the dormant space.

The bold statement I will be creating with the red carpet and curtain will help me examine the general public’s reaction to the installation. As the lane is currently disused any interest in the performance will reassure me that there is a need for regenerating “lost” areas of the city.

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